Multi-asset Investments
Diversified investments for your charity
Our multi-asset portfolios are built around a distinctive global thematic approach – a single investment platform that serves everyone on whose behalf we invest.
We typically construct an investment strategy using the traditional asset classes of bonds, equities and property. At the periphery, we also consider other ‘non-traditional’ assets.
As active stewards of your investments, we are serious about our responsibility to drive positive change. We actively engage with our investee companies.
Our bespoke solutions
We have significant experience in designing the most appropriate strategy bespoke to your charity’s needs and matching your specific ethical criteria. Together with you, we agree on the most efficient way of implementing this policy.
We invest on your behalf through funds or segregated portfolios. Many charities have chosen to invest with us using one or both of our two Charity Authorised Investment Funds (CAIFs). Our offerings are listed below.
Multi-asset offerings
Depending on your preference, you can access our multi-asset investments on a fully segregated, semi-segregated basis, or fully funded basis.
For further information on our core multi-asset funds for charities please follow the below links. All these funds are structured as Charity Authorised Investment Funds (CAIFs)
Sarasin Climate Active EndowmentsSarasin EndowmentsSarasin Income and Reserves