Sarasin Endowments
A complete investment solution for charities, aiming to produce a reasonable level of income while ensuring that the ‘real’ value of the capital is maintained.

About This Fund
The Sarasin Endowments Fund is aimed at long-term charity investors seeking a responsible globally diversified portfolio.
It provides a flow of income for today’s beneficiaries, while maintaining the ‘real’ value of the capital and income for future generations.
Our integrated ESG screening criteria ensures that stewardship is fully embedded in portfolio construction, and aids risk management.
Sustainable investment labels help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal.
Whilst the fund incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, active ownership and impactful policy outreach, it does not have a defined sustainable goal or objective, therefore this product does not have a UK sustainable investment label.
For more information on the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime, please see:

Key Benefits
The strategy provides charities with a sustainable income. We manage the portfolio on a total return basis, picking stocks on merit, rather than maintaining a constant bias to higher yielding securities.
In short, the strategy is a modern, efficient and cost-effective way of wrapping a charity’s investments into a bespoke mix of assets with wide diversification and attractive overall costs.

How we invest for this fund
We invest globally in a wide range of asset classes. These can include equities, government corporate bonds, property, cash and alternatives.
Our approach is not constrained by geography, sector or style. The team occasionally uses derivatives to reduce risk or costs or to generate additional income.
We actively exclude companies with exposure to the production of tobacco or tobacco-related manufacturing. We also avoid investing in companies that generate significant revenues from alcohol, armaments, gambling, adult entertainment, or predatory lending.
Fund literature
Investment team

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