Investments focused on your clients
Solutions focused on your clients’ needs, for sustainable wealth growth

Bespoke discretionary fund management solutions
For more tailored solutions for your clients, we create multi-asset solutions to suit their unique needs.
Drawing from your knowledge of your client's unique circumstances, we construct portfolios to complement their existing investments and take care to incorporate other factors that may impact their investment outcomes.
More about bespoke DFM solutions
Model Portfolios
These highly rated multi-asset portfolios give your clients access to five carefully researched asset allocation solutions. Choosing one of these solutions allows you to spend more time planning your clients’ strategies, while benefitting from our specialist investment expertise and analysis.
More about model portfolios
Responsible model portfolios
Through a range of responsible model multi-asset portfolios, we aim to preserve and grow your clients’ capital in a sustainable manner over time.
Find out more about responsible model portfolios
AIM Portfolio service
Offering exposure to the growth opportunities in smaller businesses, our Alternative Investment Market (AIM) Portfolio Service allows you to diversify your investments with a tax-efficient listed strategy.
How our AIM portfolio solutions can help
white-labelled funds
We have the ability to manage white-labelled funds across a number of strategies and asset classes, including Income, Growth, Multi-Asset and Target Return Strategies.
Find out more about white-labelled funds