Multi-asset Investments

Diversified investments for your clients
Multi-asset investments allow you to gain exposure across a diverse range of asset classes within a single fund. We have a long track record of selecting the appropriate blend of assets for a range of strategies with varying risk-return levels.
Stewardship analysis is embedded into our process, meaning we assess every investment from an ESG perspective.
We are serious about our responsibility to ensure your capital is allocated sustainably. Therefore, we continuously engage with the entities we invest in on your behalf to encourage positive change.

Multi-asset expertise for the long term
We have built up considerable experience in managing multi-asset portfolios. Our multi-asset investment vehicles draw on our forward-looking asset allocation process and take advantage of opportunities across the whole spectrum of asset classes.

Multi-asset offerings
You can choose from three funds within our multi-asset range, structured according to different risk appetites.
View funds
Our new multi-asset fund focusses on companies that aim to conserve the world for future generations, and bonds that support social and economic development. Available across a variety of platforms, find out how to be a part of tomorrow’s world.
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