Tomorrow's World Multi-Asset fund
A diversified multi-asset fund that invests in purposeful institutions which aim to solve people and the planet’s problems profitably, without benefiting from causing harm to the world.

About this fund
As our population has grown, we have developed an unsustainable ecological footprint. Today we’re using the resources of nearly two planets yet we only have one. Conserving our world for future generations will require large shifts in global trends, away from voracious consumption towards sustainable patterns of producing and using goods and services.
Tomorrow’s World invests in companies that are already fit for the future – and in bonds which support social and economic development.
Investing in the fund means you benefit from a diversified portfolio of investments, that we believe have positive prospects but don’t have businesses that cause material damage in their activities.
Sustainable investment labels help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal.
Whilst the fund incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, active ownership and impactful policy outreach, it does not have a defined sustainable goal or objective, therefore this product does not have a UK sustainable investment label.
For more information on the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime, please see:

Key Benefits
Through this fund, investors have the potential to:
- Achieve long-term capital and dividend growth – that becomes increasingly valuable – from leading businesses across the world that set out to solve problems and not benefit from causing harm
- Help fund economic and social development through the fund’s investments in purposeful lending, including to universities, charities and housing associations
- Have diversification through exposure to sustainable alternative assets, including physical assets and infrastructure, to complement the portfolio’s other holdings

How we invest for this fund
Our established thematic process allows us to identify the most prominent positive and sustainable trends. These themes lead us to investment ideas that generally have a lower risk of regulatory or consumer backlash, while avoiding trends with a high risk of declining profit streams.
We complement the companies in the portfolio with purposeful bond investments. Crucially, our ESG framework allows us to create order from a complex landscape and gives us a structure to identify harmful effects that organisations can cause. We exclude opportunities that rely on unsustainable elements to achieve their profits.
Fund literature
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