Responsible model portfolios
Diversified multi-asset investments for your clients

Responsible asset allocation
Through a range of responsible model multi-asset portfolios, we aim to preserve and grow your clients’ capital in a sustainable manner over time.
These portfolios go beyond mere exclusions by setting a higher threshold on environmental, social and governance issues and truly embeds them at the heart of the investment process.
At the core of each portfolio is an allocation to our thematic funds, aimed at generating sustainable returns. It is complemented by a range of solutions from the breadth of the market, adjusted for various risk appetites.
A key element of our service is our award-winning client reporting, which is renowned for being innovative, transparent and concise.

Stewards of your clients’ capital
Our range of model portfolios gives your clients cost-effective exposure to best-in-class asset allocation expertise.
Our investment process allows us to identify the long-term drivers of growth and the companies that benefit from them. Stewardship analysis is embedded into our process, meaning we assess every stock we invest in from an ESG perspective.
As active stewards of your clients’ investments, we are serious about our responsibility to drive positive change. We continuously engage with the companies we invest in on your behalf to encourage positive change.
Sarasin responsible model portfolios Factsheets
Sarasin responsible model portfolios Defaqto ESG Reviews
Defaqto’s ESG Reviews consider the ESG (environmental, social and governance) policy of a fund as well as evidence as to whether or not the fund is following that policy. Below are the ESG reviews for our Responsible Model Portfolios: