Sarasin IE Multi-Asset Target Return
A diversified multi-asset fund which aims to achieve a real return

About This Fund
The Sarasin IE Multi-Asset Target Return is a diversified, risk-managed fund that reflects our distinctive approach to building portfolios.
The fund aims to achieve a real return with a lower risk profile than pure stock market alternatives, by investing on a global basis.

Key Benefits
We have renowned expertise and a long track record of managing multi-asset portfolios.
Through this fund, you have the potential to achieve a real return with a lower risk profile than pure equities.

How we invest for this fund
We focus our research efforts on identifying long-term trends missed or underappreciated by the wider market, with the flexibility to seize shorter term opportunities when they arise.
Valuation is at the core of our process. This ensures a long-term perspective on expected returns across assets.
By comparing the attractiveness of the major asset classes relative to one another, we ensure exposure to the best companies via the most attractive part of the capital structure.
Fund literature
- Annual report and accounts
- Benchmark history
- Supplement
- Subscription form
- Application form
- Sarasin funds price information
- Interim reports and accounts
- Sustainability Related Disclosures
- Additional sustainability disclosures
- Principal Adverse Impact Report 2023
- ERI Reports 2022
- ERI Reports 2021
- ERI Reports 2020
- ERI Reports 2019
Investment team

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