Sarasin Global Equity Real Return
A flexible high-conviction thematic portfolio, aimed at delivering a return in excess of inflation
About This Fund
Leveraging off our established thematic equity process and flexible cash positioning, the fund aims to deliver a real return (+3.5% per annum over a rolling five-year period).
The portfolio can give investors exposure to equity-like returns with a smoother return profile, using a combination of asset allocation and hedging.
Our integrated ESG screening criteria ensures that stewardship is fully embedded in portfolio construction, and aids risk management.
Key Benefits
The fund can change its asset allocation within wide parameters, guided by our investment team’s view on asset classes and markets at any given time.
This flexibility means that equity exposure can be shifted between 35%-100%. Ultimately, it allows our team to position the portfolio in the most optimal manner for generating real returns over the long term.
How we invest for this fund
We invest in companies that have the ability to disrupt the industries and markets they operate in, and those with strong, established franchises.
Drawing on the expertise of the broader investment team’s market assessment, the portfolio benefits from insight into the economic environment. This, in turn, helps to identify asset allocation opportunities.
Our disciplined and focused process filters out short-term noise to find investment opportunities with lasting appeal.