In June, NextEra published its Zero Carbon Blueprint - a detailed articulation of how it will deliver on its ‘Real Zero’ by 2045 promise without relying on carbon offsets. NextEra’s Plan is an important milestone, which we strongly endorse. While the company has already demonstrated beyond doubt that clean energy can be delivered cost-effectively to customers, while generating attractive returns for shareholders, its vision for a carbon neutral future will help to cement its position as a clean energy leader.
Critically, at a time of increasing concerns over grand net zero promises that lack substance, NextEra’s action plan offers a powerful case for how decarbonisation isn’t just good for the planet, but it can pay dividends to customers and shareholders. In the end, if we want the system to swing behind ‘real zero’, it needs to be grounded in economic reality. But sometimes it requires leaders to show the way forward. NextEra is stepping up to provide that leadership.