Sarasin Responsible Corporate Bond
A non-gilt, diversified portfolio of responsibly screened corporate bonds with an emphasis on credit selection, rather than interest rate and currency tactics.

About this fund
The Sarasin Responsible Corporate Bond Fund provides exposure to a diversified portfolio of responsibly screened corporate bonds and other carefully selected instruments, offering you the opportunity to benefit from attractive returns while making socially responsible investment decisions.
Sustainable investment labels help investors find products that have a specific sustainability goal.
Whilst the fund incorporates environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations, active ownership and impactful policy outreach, it does not have a defined sustainable goal or objective, therefore this product does not have a UK sustainable investment label.
For more information on the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements and investment labels regime, please see:

Key benefits
The fund provides an attractive and dependable income, while also providing diversification for a predominantly equity-based portfolio. The fund invests in corporations that minimise ESG risks and therefore deliver increased long-term returns.
Investors seeking exposure to the UK non-gilt (credit) bond market can also benefit from greater exposure to ESG opportunities with reduced risks.

How we invest for this fund
The team takes an active approach both from a macro and fundamental perspective. It uses a macro-economic research foundation, drawing upon the expertise of the in-house economists with particular emphasis on longer-term structural considerations. This feeds into the management of interest rate exposure, but may also influence fixed income sector disruption and credit structure preferences.
As a relative return credit fund, corporate credit selection is at the heart of the investment process. In addition to in-depth credit research, the fund uses sector exclusions and an ESG protocol to ensure that investments are appropriate for a responsibility-oriented corporate bond fund.
Fund literature
Investment team

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