Model portfolios for diversified asset allocation
A range of multi-asset solutions for your clients

Five diversified portfolios for a range of client risk profiles
The service provides access to five global thematic multi-asset portfolios differing in their equity weightings and target-return profiles. To ensure they stay in line with your clients’ attitude to risk over time, each portfolio is managed within a clearly defined risk budget.
The portfolios benefit from our distinct global thematic investment process, complemented by ‘best-of-breed’ active funds and low-cost passive solutions selected from across the market. We then target securities that can give meaningful exposure to these themes over the long term.
A key element of our service is our award-winning client reporting, which is renowned for being innovative, transparent, and concise.
Sarasin Model Portfolios Factsheets & LITERATURE
At the core of each portfolio is an allocation to our thematic funds, aimed at generating sustainable returns. This is complemented by a range of solutions from the breadth of the market, adjusted for various risk appetites.

Ben Gilbert, Model Portfolio Manager, and Edward Lloyd, Deputy Portfolio Manager, deliver their MPS update and 2024 year in review, alongside our Chief Market Strategist, Guy Monson, who provides a global strategy update and outlook for the year ahead.
Our experienced Model Portfolios team is part of an organisation that has been at the forefront of multi-asset investing for 30 years.

Why not monitor our model portfolios to see if they are right for your clients?
Our model portfolios can be found on FE Transmission which gives you access to all of the underlying holdings data of the model portfolios your clients are invested in. This information can then be integrated into your due diligence, portfolio selection and reporting.
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defaqto 5 Diamond rating
Our Model Portfolio Service offers an excellent proposition relative to the peer group as indicated by the Defaqto 5 Diamond Rating.