Say on Climate Conference
WEDNESDAY 23 FEBRUARY | 10:30 - 15:00

WEDNESDAY 23 FEBRUARY | 10:30 - 15:00
Sarasin & Parters and the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) hosted the ‘Say on Climate’ hybrid conference on 23 February 2022, in association with Children’s Investment Fund Foundation. This was held under the Chatham House rule.
The conference was an opportunity for leading UK companies, investors, policymakers and others in the regulatory and advisory space to discuss the emerging norm of five-year climate transition plans for companies, as embodied in the work of the UK Transition Plan Taskforce launched by Rishi Sunak at COP26.
Natasha Landell-Mills, head of stewardship, discussed Paris Aligned Accounting from 13:30 - 13:45.