Mallowstreet Universal Digital ESG Indaba
The Mallowstreet Digital ESG Indaba brings together some of the industry’s biggest influencers to hear a selection of interactive keynote presentations.
TUESDAY 2ND FEBRUARY | 08:30 to 15:30
The investment landscape is rapidly evolving. Climate change, inequality and COVID-19 are increasingly causing public opinion to harden towards unsustainable strategies and activities. Regulatory change and accounting reform mean more investors than ever are aware of the potential for adverse impacts in their portfolio. Institutional investment strategy needs to change if we are to secure tomorrow.
Sarasin & Partners’ Henry Boucher will be taking part in one of the Indaba’s Investment Masterclasses, exploring how institutional investment strategy needs to change following the new sustainable disclosures.
Register for this eventTuesday 2 February - Morning session
09:00 - Dawid Konotey-Ahulu - Introduction
Dawid provides an overview of the Digital ESG Indaba, speakers and key themes.
09:10 - David Harris, FTSE Russell - Paris Aligned Climate Benchmarks
David will provide an overview of current discussions on building ‘Paris alignment’ into equity portfolios. To bring this to life he will use a case study of working with the Church of England Pensions Board which led to the creation of the FTSE TPI Climate Transition Index Series.
09:55 - Investment Masterclass
Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions.
10:35 - Break
10:45 - Bella Landymore, Impact Investing Institute - Impact Investing: Why and How for Pension Schemes
Many pensions schemes want to reduce negative impacts and risks like carbon emissions, biodiversity loss, poor governance and inequality that arise from and impact their portfolio. Going one step further, more and more pension funds are interested in investment opportunities that have positive impact and secure a competitive financial return. Bella Landymore from the Impact Investment Institute will take us through their latest findings, including their four Impact Investing Principles for Pensions.
11:25 - Investment Masterclass II
Delegates split into three Investment Masterclass sessions.
12:05 - Lunch
Bring your plate and join a virtual lunchroom for a networking break.