Lessons From history
Monday 22 February | 17:00 – 18:00
How has gender inequality affected economic productivity?
The second lecture in the series of our Lessons from History in conjunction with the University of Oxford's Faculty of History took place on Monday 22 February.
The question How has gender inequality affected economic productivity? was discussed by Professor Jane Humphries and Professor Maria Misra from the University of Oxford. They are accompanied by Therese Kieve, Stewardship Analyst, and Guy Monson, CIO, who chaired the evening.
Watch the event recording

17:00 - Professor John Watts, Oxford - Introduction
17:05 - Professor Jane Humphries, Oxford - Does anybody gain from gender inequality? The historical answer
17:15 - Professor Maria Misra, Oxford - From Girl Power to Culture Wars: Gender and Globalisation since the 1970s
17:30 - Therese Kieve, Sarasin & Partners – Gender Equality: Better Boards and Better Work
17:45 - Guy Monson, Sarasin & Partners - Q&A
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