CFG Advanced Investment Training 2024

In conjunction with Charity Finance Group, Sarasin & Partners are sponsoring training events to help you grow your investment understanding and what investment options could work for your charity.
Aims of the course:
- To build on your knowledge of asset classes covered in the Foundation course, turning theory into practice and ensuring you develop the right investment policy for your organisation.
- To understand what we mean by Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors and how they might apply to and impact your portfolio
- To consider how to monitor your investment manager, understand different performance tools, styles of management, timing of investment and various means of implementing your policy
Please see the dates and buttons below to register to join us either virtually or in-person. Please note that the same content will be covered during each of the training sessions, however, you are welcome to attend more than one.
All of our online training has now taken place for this year; dates for 2025 will be confirmed soon.
Virtual sessions will be held on Zoom.
All of our in-person training has now taken place for this year; dates for 2025 will be confirmed soon.
In person events will be held at Sarasin & Partners, Juxon House, 100 St Paul's Churchyard, London, EC4M 8BU. Refreshments will be served on arrival, and wine and snacks served after the session ends at 5pm.

Over the past 20 years, we have become one of the leading charity investment managers in the UK.
Find out how we can create a bespoke, sustainable investment strategy for your charity's’ unique needs.
Find out more about our work with charities