Sarasin Responsible Global Equity (Sterling Hedged)
A thematic global equity fund for the ‘concerned’ investor, with a higher threshold on ESG issues

About This Fund
Using our established thematic process, we identify companies that would benefit from the powerful themes that will shape our world. Within this universe, we seek to actively avoid companies that hinder societal needs.
The strategy goes beyond an exclusions approach to carefully consider a number of key policies on ESG issues.
It is responsible in its investment choices to the environment, to future generations, to the vulnerable in society and in ensuring effective oversight of company management.

Key Benefits
As pioneers in thematic global equity investing, our process is highly distinctive and unique.
Our approach is genuinely long-term, investing for decades to come.
We have a clear stewardship mindset, recognising that as long-term investors we must participate in the effective governance of the companies we invest in.

How we invest for this fund
We consider the lifecycle of companies and the competitive dynamics of their industries, alongside their expected performance relative to medium-term macroeconomic developments. Careful consideration of key ESG issues contribute to risk management. We seek to drive responsible investments through a combination of an exclusions policy and a commitment to returns that improve long-term outcomes and returns in sterling terms.
More specifically, the fund has a three-step investment process. Idea generation leads to stock-selection, following which we can construct a diversified portfolio.
Fund literature
Investment team
At an EGM on 18th September 2020, shareholders of Sarasin Responsible Global Equity (Sterling Hedged) voted in favour of a resolution to merge their fund into Sarasin Responsible Global Equity as explained in the Merger Proposal Information Packs dated 28th August 2020. It is therefore the intention to merge Sarasin Responsible Global Equity (Sterling Hedged) into Sarasin Responsible Global Equity on 9th October 2020. Please contact [email protected] if you would like more information.
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